Friday, September 10, 2004

hahha, tt day me and jin went for lo class, den the instructor was so girly, like sissy like tt. made me luff and luff non stop. we had difficulties coordinating our movements and made a joke out of the whole scene. looks like a ballet dance more than an aerobic exercise. hahha...

oh man! i'm gona be in trouble now... jh is in de same mkting class as me... =(
die la... how to survive like tis? i was sooo shocked, but i just couldn't tell him im in the same class as him. den he was askin if im prettier now... oh manz.. gimme a break. i duno how2 reply him, jin said i shld put "......", instead of replying anymore. wah paingz.. he very the kns... buay tahan him.

spoke to matthew last nite, so long didn't chat wid him...hahha, coz he's busy wid his army thingy at civil defence, and ever since he got himself a gf, which meant tt we have lesser chance of meeting up. hahha... so lucky him and for his gf to have found each other. (hey, did i detect a hint of jealousy?) muahaha... its been real long since we chatted like tis. duno how we broach up the subject of grampa, and boy, M was really such a sensitive and gd fren of mine, he can tell tt i was crying, though i didnt say anything. seldom ppl can detect tt.... only my very gd frenz. hahha, den he call me 'suo mui' = silly gal in cantonese. i call him 'soei zai' = bad boy in cantonese. hahha... so funny. he made me promise to take care of myself, if not he'll stuff me wid bananas.. didnt i just told him i wasn't a chimp?! (only jin loves bananas..., shld stuff her instead, hahha!).
haizz.. realli missed de gd old days...

wat to do? we just keeps getting older... =(

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