Hiya gals... guess you all know that the once a yr GSS (Great Singapore Sale) is now on!! Huraayy!!!
Haaha, it officially started last Friday 25th May, and I've met up with the gals after work, head down to hit the stores. I bought 2 tops, 2 lingerie and a pair of slippers. heehe...
We walked till we drop.. the shops were so crowded. Mostly with females.. rummaging all the clothes and trying on all the shoes.
Went down to Vivo with my dad yesterday, supposely to look at my elder bro's architecture display. But guess he is only helping them out... hahaa. We went to Giant to shop for stuff to eat. I passed by this shop, and I saw my favourite Salvatore Ferragamo perfume!! All 3 of them also smelt so heavenly!! hahaha...

My mom's coming home tonite after spending more then 2wks enjoying her holiday at US and Canada. Haaha... gd for her!